Hari ini, saya betul2 terharu..saya punya ramai kawan..tapi tak seorang pun pernah menegur saya dalam hal agama..mungkin bagi mereka saya punya keimanan yang kuat..
Dia hanyalah penduduk Islam yang minority di California..tapi punya ilmu pengetahuan tentang Islam sangat dalam..He's advice to me:
"be particular abt ur salah. this is first thing Allah ask on day of judgement
pray with good concentration and devotion and insya Allah, Allah will pass all of us..
u know cooking? can u cook rice?
u know cooking? can u cook rice?
when u cook rice, after rice almost done, u dont open the entire pot and check all the rice. u only take a few grains and check if its cooked, which means all rice is ok
like this on day of judgement, insha allah, Allah will take few amaal from us and check it. if its ok then Insha Allah, Allah accept everything from us and he pass us and admit us into Jannah"
TQ my dear friend..u really touched me..
TQ my dear friend..u really touched me..
Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera..
thanks ya singgah d blog saya..
now saya singgah d blog kamu n follow kamu sekali.. mai la singgah dan follow blog saya yer
Analogi yg sgt bermakna.
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